About, Work

👋️ Hi, I’m Edmund Zhang, an interdisciplinary designer based in Singapore. I bring a playful curiosity to my work, imagining vibrant possibilities for the future.

With a lighthearted approach, I uncover hidden potential in unexpected places, transforming everyday experiences into ideas that are delightfully new. Before stepping into design, I studied animation—a background that continues to shape my work with an animated quality and a sense of joy. 🙂
2024—: Faculty Lecturer, University of the Arts Singapore
2022—: Senior Product Experience Designer, NextOfKin Creatives
2018—2021: Industrial Designer, Bravo, Afternaut
2017: Internship, Lanzavecchia + Wai
2016: Internship, Torafu Architects
2015: Internship, Outofstock Design
2013—2017: BA (Honours) Industrial Design with Distinction, National University of Singapore

Heal: Repair+, Singapore Design Week, 42 Waterloo Street , SG
Make: Me(n)tal, Singapore Design Week, NAFA Fashion Gallery, SG

Tomorrow’s Testament, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, SG

100 Marble Tiles, Design Superposition, National Design Centre, SG
Good Design Research, National Design Centre, SG

Topic N°4, HAND MADE, National Vending Gallery, National Design Centre, SG

Exchanged Forms, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, JP
Exchanged Forms, Ventura Future, Milan, IT
Wallpaper* Handmade on Tour, Gillman Barracks, SG
Wallpaper* Handmade, Milan Design Week, Mediateca Santa Teresa, Milan, IT
Wallpaper* Handmade Retreat, Singapore Design Week, Gillman Barracks, SG

Design Future/Now, National Design Centre, SG

CHI 2015, COEX Convention and Exhibition Centre, Seoul, KR


Heal: Repair+ exhibition turns broken items into design objects, Dezeen
Repair+: Mending emotional memories through restorative design in a curation of transformed broken objects
Breaking stigmas: Singapore’s first lion dance troupe for seniors moves to the beat, The Straits Times
Singapore’s lion dance with a twist, South China Morning Post

On The Red Dot: Hire Me Please! - Say Tian Hng Buddha Shop, Channel NewsAsia
Design Superposition设计展 叩问设计, Lianhe Zaobao
5 Highlights From the Design Superposition Art Exhibition, Tatler Asia
4 noteworthy installations at the Design Superposition exhibition, IndesignLive
Offcut Factory 教工业无废材, Lianhe Zaobao

Conscious Consumption: Part 3, Curatedition
It’s a material world: Two heavyweight ideas for the environment, DesignSingapore Council

Seven local firms get up to $35,000 each to work on futuristic designs, Straits Times
Reframing our perception and treatment of material waste by design, DesignSingapore Council

Handmade 2018: Wellness + Wonder, the projects, Wallpaper*
The local artist, Esquire Singapore
好设计就在身边, PIN Prestige
A well made and wondrous journey: Singapore designers at Handmade 2018, DesignSingapore Council
The Little Red Dot In Milan, The Business Times
Students from Singapore and Kyoto design objects inspired by each other's cities, Dezeen
Wallpaper* Handmade, The Straits Times

2024: Re:Repair, Singapore Design Week, 42 Waterloo Street 2024: Playful Ageing: Reimagining the Futures of Ageing from Case Studies to Co-Creation Workshop, World Futures Day, Teach The Future
2022: Play by Design, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
2020: Design Runway, TechInnovation
2018: Panelist, Wallpaper* Handmade, National Design Centre

© 2024 Edmund Zhang. All rights reserved.